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Monday, November 22, 2010

The Next New Thing

So there are a lot of things in today's day and age which make it nearly impossible to think of anything new, but I do think there is a way of collaborating all the personal information into one simple thing such as a barcode. Now I haven't thought of it in detail and thought about the pros and cons of this and it seems as if it may come in use in several situations. These barcodes would provide all different types of personal information about an individual, such as name, age, gender and etc. Now these could be used for specific situations such as for patients, for example if an elderly person is admitted in a nursing home and does not have enough memory to remember anything about themselves, then these barcodes could tell the people treating them everything about them. These barcodes would have to be attached to the individual somehow, tattooing it may be a little too extreme but your fingerprint could serve as this barcode. If this service is every approved and regulated by the government, it would also prevent a lot of identity theft, for example people using stolen credit cards could show up that they are stolen and it could even help them catch the thief. It could also be used for prisoners, so if they ever happen to escape, and if these fingerprint scanners are located everywhere, the next time they do anything such as buying a water bottle from a vending machine, they leave a trace. This could be used to log in public computers, to punch in at work, and even use it on your personal computer to fill in all the information when creating a facebook page. So these fingerprint scanners make good use of tracking personal information and use it efficiently and it could create a huge database of personal profiles.


  1. This is a very interesting idea. I like it. Since we do not have to bring a lot of cards for shopping anymore. The only thing we need to bring is the thing with a bar code. In addition, especial when people need to go some government agencies, like HRA and IRS, after they wait for a long time, they don't need go back and come again due the reason that they forget bring a particular of card or documents. However, there are a lot of problems will appear with this system. people may hack and steal others' data or devices, and those who be stole will lose all of their information at the same time. The risk is pretty high though.

  2. This is like a type of stamp that not only identifies an individuals but gives authority the ability to track you. I like the idea of the having personal information available, but think there unfortunately there would be individuals who would use this for their gain.
